Call Time - The Linchpin of Every Production

There is a lot of work that goes into every production. It goes far beyond the visible work on stage or on set. The more complex a production is, the more crucial the behind-the- scenes planning is. An important aspect of this for every model and performer is the call time on the call sheet .

What is call time?

Generally speaking, the call time is the time at which the model or actor is required to be at a casting or on set for a film, photoshoot, or television production. It refers to the time of arrival at the production location and can be found on the call sheet. Usually, the time at which the models have to be on-site is well before the actual start of filming or shooting. Depending on the complexity of the production, longer waiting times between arrival and the start of filming can be expected. For production-related and technical reasons, the call time must nonetheless be adhered to - it is not merely a recommendation. Arriving well in advance is preferable in any production. If no specific call time is agreed upon explicitly as part of a job, the principle of absolute punctuality applies all the more.

Why the call time is so important for a production

Every production requires a certain amount of lead and planning time. The greater the number of actors and models involved, the more important it is to have a well-planned course of action. Call time allows those responsible to establish a clear schedule. This applies to the scheduled order of models or actors in a casting, as well as to film shoots, in which certain scenes need to be shot in a certain order. The call time is usually planned with a generous time buffer. This ensures that a model is on set early enough to receive a comprehensive briefing or to have their makeup done by the makeup artist with plenty of time to spare. Moreover, particularly in the case of larger productions , spontaneous rescheduling may take place. Scheduling via the call sheet ensures that performers can also be made available earlier and possibly even cast in a different role at the last minute. If booked models and performers do not keep to their call time, this can result in major delays in production. Due to the delay, there may also be cancellation costs and respectively, additional costs due to the remainder of the production days.

Well-prepared for call time

Actors and models find out their call time via their call sheet, which contains all the necessary information about the booking. This includes the meeting point, a list of everyone involved, and the expected duration. All individuals involved in the production will receive the call sheet with all the necessary information in advance. The exact timing depends on the modelling agency responsible or the production company . In most cases, the call sheet is issued the evening before the production. Only in a few cases is this done a few days in advance. This is due to the fact that numerous aspects of planning can still change until shortly before the start of production. To ensure that you always keep to your call time, you should regularly check your e-mail inbox before production. In the worst-case scenario, you may also communicate in advance that you are unable to meet your call time for a valid reason. If this is the case, be honest with yourself and cancel an engagement in good time before you turn up late or not at all. Unreliability is a no-go in the industry, which can cost you not only future roles, but in some cases, also a contractual penalty. Important: Plan your day and the day before according to your call time. Plan enough sleep so that you arrive fit for the set.

It's call time - become a star now with starboxx!

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