
  1. The registration at starboxx is always for FREE and you are allowed to continue working for other agencies and clients. Contracts with us are only drawn up upon a booking and at negotiated conditions. Everyone has the right to either accept or decline our offers.

* Required information for the registartion at starboxx.

  1. Enter your e-mail adress here.

    The e-mail is important to receive your registration confirmation, as well as for communication purposes and possible bookings.
  2. At least 12 characters (maximum 128)

    Choose a password which hasn't been used for other websites yet.

    We recommend a combination of numbers, symbols, and capital and lower case letters.
  3. Please repeat your chosen password here.
  1. Enter your complete first name here.

    You can add your nicknames, abbreviations, callnames or artist names later under the column "Artist name".
  2. Enter your complete last name here.

    You can add your nicknames, abbreviations, callnames or artist names later under the column "Artist name".
  3. Enter the zip code of your place of residence here.

    Your zip code is important for our internal regional search, as well as for the booking process.
  4. Enter your place of residence here.

    Your place of residence is important for our internal regional search, as well as for the booking process.
  5. Select the country in which your place of residence lies.
  1. Enter your birthdate for the calclaution of your age here.

    We search for women, men, teenagers and children of all age groups.
  2. Gender* :

Which types of roles are you interested in?
  1. Choose the categories that you are interested in here.

    You should have some talent or skills for the chosen categories.

  1. Consent Form Privacy Statement
  2. We send inquiries and casting dates only to the most suitable groups of people . An important criteria is therefore your selection of interests in the column "Available as".