The ‘Talent’

‘Talent’ is a collective term for everybody in an agency's database. Alternatively, you can also say ‘characters’ or ‘faces’ too. Talent could mean female and male best agers, petite and fitness models , tattoo models and plus size models. Hostesses, extras , entertainers, musicians and presenters , influencers or singers , i.e. anybody who is in the database! ‘Talent’ does not necessarily refer to the classic models or actors but instead people who come outside of that box. They are usually very charismatic with a great personality- the focus here lies less on the model’s actual measurements. They may have professional modelling or acting training but they aren’t usually listed as professionals because they don’t fill all the requirements needed.

Great opportunities for normal people

There are so many people who are natural performers on stage or in front of a camera who don’t look/act like a standard actor or model. Fulfilling the strict body measurements of catwalk models , for example, is extremely difficult. As ‘talent’, you can be any size and shape you desire and find work in advertising or filming! Agencies such as starboxx manage all types of models and talent. Through recruiting, castings or model scouting, we find people with many different professions, talents, skills and abilities, outside of the standard.

People want individuality!

‘Talent’ are performers with individuality. They are more versatile and don’t focus on a specific type of model; this means they present themselves as unique and different from others. If you are confident in your individuality, the career opportunities in the industry are endless!

What are the career opportunities?

‘Talents’ are not usually purely professionals; they have a day job and do modelling as a part-time job/side hustle. Because of their individuality, talent often get the same opportunities as professional models. Anybody who is confident, charismatic and interesting can experience life as a ‘talent’. 

Do you want to perform and model in front of a camera? Are you fun and full of personality? Register as a talent with starboxx online today! We look forward to hearing from you!