Casting & Talent Agency

In our database we have thousands of beginner and professional talents with specializations in acting, music, dance, languages, athletics. You name it we probably have someone in our registry for your newest project. Here are a few examples of talents with a published entry.

Although the majority of our talents pursue an interest in acting, we do have a respectable amount of talents outside of that category with skills in various different art forms.

Some of the areas in our directory that we specialize in are:
  • Actors of any age and demographic (men, women, young adults, children, seniors)
  • Extras, Audience Members and TV show Candidates
  • Moderators
  • Singers/ Dancers
  • Celebrities and Stars

Individual Castings

Although we are primarily an online casting agency, we occasionally hold studio and street castings in our headquarters in Berlin, as well as in other large cities around Europe.

Casting International

Castings and Talents in Europe you can book from the following major cities.