Wanderlust? Want To Broaden Your Horizons? As A Model, You Are Usually Entitled To Travel Allowances

New York, Paris, Milan, Tokyo, Berlin - models travel all over the world. "Who actually pays for that?", newcomers rightly ask. The answer: It all depends! Is the model an old hand with a full diary? Is she travelling to a specific job or to a new model agency? Is the model new to the business? There are many factors to consider when it comes to travelling expenses.

What is a travel fee?

Travelling costs: If models or performers are travelling to a location, the travel fee is an expense allowance. Depending on the agreement, petrol costs, bus, train and plane tickets as well as hotel accommodation with breakfast and catering are also reimbursed. Expenses incurred by you as a model for travelling to the production location will be paid separately from the model's fee or reimbursed later as expenses as agreed. These costs will then be invoiced to the client via the agency. Some clients also offer travelling expenses to the casting. The generosity of a travelling fee is often a matter of budget, as every production has limited resources. The closer you live to the location as a model, the less strain is placed on this budget. An important aspect that is consciously taken into account when looking for the perfect cast !

When do you receive a travel fee - and what does this have to do with your modelling fee?

If your production is in Dresden, for example, and you live in the direct catchment area, there is no travelling fee. Models are booked for a specific city (or a specific country) - called "from Berlin" or "from Germany". Only for out-of-town models do clients pay bus, train and flight, taxi, S-Bahn and U-Bahn or a kilometre allowance. If you fly to the location, it can sometimes be tight for long model legs - because economy class. A half-day fee or flat rate is usual for travelling and fitting fees. Example: A male teenager with filming experience is being sought as an actor from Germany (i.e. Germany-wide), daily fee e.g. €800. It should be noted here that the travel fee for adults is usually half the daily fee per day of travelling. For minors , on the other hand, an accompanying fee per day of travelling may be added to a small travel fee. In Germany, this is based on a working day of eight to ten hours (from call time in make-up to the end of the photo shoot or shoot on set); a half-day photo shoot or shoot lasts four to five hours. However, there are no half production fees for models travelling to and from the location. Is it storming and snowing at the location? Because the model fee is then cancelled, customers are usually charged half a day's fee in bad weather conditions.

What should I bear in mind when it comes to travel fees?

The days when modelling agencies spent a lot of money on plane tickets, flats and pocket money in the big markets of Los Angeles, Paris or Milan are over. But when do travel expenses come into play? If you are travelling for the very first time to meet with your agency for an open call or audition, you will be expected to cover your own travel costs. But even if an agency has already viewed your photos and expresses interest in meeting you in person, there is no travel fee because you are expected to pay for your own travel. See this as a worthwhile investment in a career as a model! If you are then offered a modelling contract or the modelling agency wants to represent you, a travel fee is likely. If you are travelling to a location for a specific job (direct booking), the client will cover travel, accommodation and meals. Expenses that - like many things in the fashion business - are a matter of negotiation and require an agreement. A top model agency will negotiate the best possible travel fee for you in each individual case. If you are engaged, the travel fee will be a flat rate, verify expense (all receipts count) or a combination of both (receipts count up to the agreed flat rate). This means you have to collect receipts documenting your expenses, from flight tickets to business lunches.

Working as a model in China - is that possible?

Work visas for models have been established in China since 2015. Nevertheless: Please never fly to China as a model on your own, but only with the support of a reputable agency, preferably based in Shanghai & Co. as well as in Europe, e.g. in London. This will ensure that you have a valid work permit - before you get on the plane. Nevertheless, caution is advised, especially as an underage model: Found in hundreds of locations , children's agencies in particular are booming across China. But while models under 13 are only allowed to work a certain number of hours here, thanks to the protection of minors, there is hardly any protection for child models in China. Incidentally, many Asian agencies pay for newcomers' flight tickets and accommodation in advance. Curious about China with Guangzhou, Shenzhen or Hangzhou? The vlogs of models there will give you a first impression - also of your Chinese accommodation, which is rather small and modest. If you then have income, you pay back the travelling costs. According to surveys by the Economic Research Institute (ERI), models in China earn an average of 107,172 yen (around €747) per year and 52 yen (€7.50) per hour. Sounds low? As I said, these are average figures. Working days of twelve hours or more are absolutely normal in China, for example during Shanghai Fashion Week. But as a newcomer in Asia, you can gain valuable experience - and hone your model book.

What exciting shooting locations are there worldwide?

Dream beaches, warm rays of sunshine, the ocean - an unforgettable experience! Models and their photographers travel around, see big cities, tiny villages and imposing rainforests. They give their all in every setting, at every location. If you want, a job as a model can take you around the globe. The Caribbean is one of the most popular locations for modelling shoots. A favourite: St Barts, whose white sandy beaches and turquoise waters provide the perfect backdrop . Or Krabi in Thailand with its dynamic environment of Buddhist temples, ancient ruins and hidden bays - with numerous opportunities for photographers and models. Mexico, with its desert and fishing villages, also has a long tradition: Givenchy and many others have celebrated photo shoots here in front of traditional silhouettes or the cobalt blue of the Frida Kahlo Museum. But Zanzibar in East Africa with its green wilderness, coral reefs, whale sharks and breathtaking sunsets also has a lot to offer. Or New Zealand with shoots in front of imposing volcanoes and rock formations. Or or or or ... the number of attractive shooting locations is endless!

Because the right backdrop makes all the difference - from Hollywood to Rome

Why don't we even mention California, the home of Hollywood? Find out for yourself when you land at LA International Airport. Or last but not least in New York - hip, young and the location for shoots by a never-ending number of labels, in front of typical yellow taxi taxis and the Manhattan skyline. A picture replaces 1,000 words! Which is why the right backdrop is so important for showcasing new collections: There are poolside locations that have starred for generations of swimwear. But why go far afield? With the Canary Islands, Fuerte Ventura or Italy as world fashion centres, European fashion hotspots are practically on our doorstep..

Why do models have to travel at all?

As a media city with Fashion Week and a wonderful multi-cultural atmosphere, Berlin is - in our personal opinion - one of the best cities to start out as a newcomer. There are numerous castings and shoots for international advertising campaigns here. Whether Berlin Mitte, Moabit or Kreuzberg, Berlin tells stories. But no matter whether your path takes you to the capital or somewhere else entirely: You don't always have to travel, you can also take part in e-castings in the run-up to a shoot. Once a client has shortlisted you, you will receive an invitation including a description of how the e-casting works. In general: As a model newcomer, you won't be travelling much at first! Start by taking on modelling jobs in your city to gain experience and build up a reputation. At the beginning of a great career, these can also be smaller jobs with a small fee.

Register now as a model with starboxx!

The opportunities are wide-ranging: Live presentation for models from the Düsseldorf area to present lingerie or beauty products on live TV? Work as a fitting model ? Local photo shoots? Many things are possible - and will become part of your model book, the basis for an international modelling career. As your success grows, you will also receive offers for modelling jobs abroad. We look forward to your application!