Actors And Featured Extras: Get Yourself In Front Of A Camera!

Good adverts need a suitable cast for both leading and supporting roles as well as featured extras . Producers and agencies are constantly scouring the market in search of fresh talent and new faces . But what exactly is a featured extra?

Why work as an extra or featured extra?

Featured extras are not actors or extras, but instead it is a stepping stone to start your career in the talent industry.It is important to understand and recognise the subtle differences between all these different roles as it makes it easier for clients to know what you’ve done and how you can be used.

What is the difference between extras and featured extras?

Essentially, while you aren’t always seen as an extra, a featured extra will always have a moment in front of the camera. Sometimes (very exceptionally), it is a speaking role, but more commonly a camera pan or something similar. Extras on the other hand are only seen in the background. But extra sounds unnecessary, so you can leave it out? On the contrary: without extras, adverts look strangely empty. In the worst case, missing extras draw the viewer's attention away from the lead role. As an extra, you make the film or advert as realistic as possible. Imagine a boxing match, for example: You don't have to get into the ring yourself, but as a spectator you are welcome to shake your fists wildly. Or the Palme d'Or in Cannes, the red carpet, the stars are all over the place, a crowd of press photographers is holding the camera - and you are one of them! But your name doesn't appear in the credits of a film.

Where does the term Featured Extra come from?

Unlike in English, in Germany the term Featured Extra is mainly used for actors in advertising shoots and commercials . Featured means recognisable: you are seen as an individual and you stand out from the crowd of background actors, especially if you have a small speaking role or action to complete. You may be a member of the crowd mentioned previously, but you will have an extra role that means you become recognisable. Featured extras are treated like an actor in a production .

What expectations do you have to fulfil as a supporting actor?

For featured extras, there is often only a casting sheet for the main cast instead of a separate casting for extras. But with this casting sheet, you can tick whether you are available not only for the main role but also as a featured extra. If you have ambitions for a speaking role and a main role, you should always advertise in your résumé that you have already worked as an extra or featured extra - e.g. as a boxing fan or reporter. This proves that you are no longer a complete beginner, but know the rules on the set of a production. If you get the role, you are expected to know exactly what to do. The only disadvantage is that once you’re recognised, you can’t be used in the production as another extra. You can only be used once.

What do you need as a featured extra?

That depends entirely on the production. Acting experience is always useful and a talent for acting is obviously required. Performing in front of an audience or the camera requires a good degree of extraversion and openness. Don't worry if you're not naturally relaxed and approachable, as this can be learnt and switched on and off like a spotlight when required. Marlon Brando, for example, was famous for his camera shyness. As a professional, you should also be able to take criticism and adhere to the behavioural guidelines on set. Punctuality, reliability and a willingness to follow instructions are a matter of course, as is the flexibility to be available at short notice. This is because extras and featured extras are often requested by the casting agency at short notice, after all the preparations for the commercial or film scene have already been made.

When will you be booked as a Featured Extra for a supporting role?

In your résumé and application as a featured extra, you should list the full range of your skills - just in case! The agency may also ask you to tell them something about yourself in a 30-second video. Here, you should list any special skills like ice-skating or fencing. You will be booked if you represent a certain type - such as the long-haired Viking, the elegant old lady with a bun or the cute curly-haired girl (as a toddler). If you have your own costume collection, such as uniforms, so that you can play anything from a World War II soldier to a US Marine. Being able to dress yourself will impress some producers.

What opportunities are there for you?

There are plenty of opportunities as a featured extra! Every production company are always looking for extras and featured extras. Or social media companies like TikTok are always on the hunt for featured extras to appear in ads on their platform. The opportunities are endless.

How do you become a Featured Extra at an agency?

Anyone who registers as an extra or actor with starboxx takes part directly in our internal casting and selection process. To do this, you create an online sedcard and upload your photos and details to begin the casting process. Make sure you activate your account! We can’t promise that you’ll be cast straight away, but kickstart your career today!

How much do featured extras earn?

While featured extras earn less than leading roles, it’s difficult to say how much they can earn. The fees for a day of filming can range from double to triple figures, but remember these are long days (often up to 12 hours). Collective wage agreements exist in the industry so you will at least be paid statutory minimum wage. You will also receive overtime for any extra hours worked. You may also receive money if you bring your own costume. The difference between extras and featured extras can easily amount to several hundred euros. What you earn is always a matter for individual negotiation, right down to the catering during the production day. The agency's job description will give you some idea of how demanding your task will be. For example, it makes a difference whether you have a small speaking role or not, are not recognisable in individual shots or interact with the product. If you are booked as an extra and end up being recognisable, then your fee will be increased to that of a featured extra. Travel expenses aren’t usually covered for short distances, but if you’re travelling a great distance, then this can be negotiated.


starboxx agency currently has over 100,000 people, actors, extras and bit players from Germany, Austria and Switzerland of all abilities and ages. Bookable in all major metropolises and other cities - from Mallorca to Zurich . Register with starboxx now! Simply fill out the online application and send it off: Many exciting jobs in front of the camera are waiting for you!