Casting Sheet - Everything You Need To Know

If you want to get started in the modelling industry or as an actor, you will be plunged into a whole new world with a multitude of new terms and processes. Even before the first photo or commercial shoot, the casting sheet awaits you at the casting as a black-and-white ticket into the business. We will explain what it is all about and why it is important.

What is a casting sheet?

The casting sheet is a form that budding models and actors must fill out before their audition. This form can be more or less extensive, depending on the production in question, and its structure is strongly orientated towards the area in which you would like to work. For this reason, the sheet is also referred to as a self-declaration form. In the case of a traditional casting, you will fill out the form in-person at your casting appointment before it even gets going. As a rule, you will receive it alongside other informational material as soon as you arrive. Recently, e-castings have become increasingly popular in the industry. In this case, the casting sheet is sent out in advance by e-mail. This must usually be completed and returned before the actual date of the e-casting.

What information can be found on the casting sheet?

The exact content is determined by the casting agency and depends on the area in which the person to be cast would like to showcase their talent . After all, different guidelines apply to photo models than to actors for commercials or films. Typically, the casting sheet includes information about the performer such as height, measurements, eye colour, hair colour, and characteristic features such as visible tattoos . In addition, actors and models can find more detailed information about the specific campaign on the casting sheet. The dates of the fitting and of the shoot itself are also included. It is equally important for applicants to specify if they have any other commitments during the shooting period in order to determine any so-called blackout days. Blackout days are times during the planned production when an actor or model is unavailable for a project for any particular reason. These blackout days can be used, for example, if there are several dates planned for the shooting of the production. Models must also provide information about previous advertising activities. Please note: all information in the casting sheet is binding and must be answered truthfully!

Why and for whom are casting sheets created?

Casting sheets are designed for you, as an applicant, so that you can find out more about the commercial shoot, photoshoot , or other type of production before the casting. In particular, this includes information related to the scheduling and the location of the production. In addition, you must agree to simple conditions regarding data protection and confidentiality when filling out the form. This allows agencies and producers to ensure legal compliance when casting models or actors. This also pertains to the assurance that you, as a model, have not advertised a competing product in the recent past, which would undermine the campaign. This is why it is so important to complete the form truthfully.

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