New Face Model

A new face model is a new and upcoming talent who has been previously unknown in the modelling industry. The fashion industry and the labour market for all kinds of are highly competitive; diversity is a top priority and a range of beauty standards are in demand. The advantage of a new face model is that they are still unknown in the industry so they are not yet associated with any names or brands. Fashion agents are constantly on the lookout for the faces of tomorrow.

Changing beauty standards, changes in demand

While the modelling world used to look for perfection above all else, diversity and authenticity are what counts today. Perfect cheekbones, slim bodies or long hair are no longer required to be successful in the fashion world. Age and binary gender also no longer play a deciding role: fashion agents are in search of more diversity to portray a more normal look too. Having an edge is now a lot more important than being flawless. The unknown faces of New Face models are enough to inspire audiences, designers or model scouts . Freckles, moles, tattoos and all body shapes and sizes are celebrated. Everybody has the potential to be successful.

The possibilities are endless

New face models are popular in the fashion world for a number of reasons For one, new faces are unused in terms of marketing and have no previous experience, therefore clients do not run the risk of being associated with a brand or a campaign or getting tied up in anything because of the model. Clients also have the opportunity to perfectly match their message or project to the professional future of the new face model. Models and photographers can create a tight bond and support each other perfectly. Most importantly, new face models bring a unique energy to the workplace. Although they lack experience, they are flexible and curious.

Interested? Register today!

Some of our clients are explicitly looking for a new face model. This is a chance for anyone who wants to make it as an unknown model. One successful collaboration can be the start of an incredible career. If you are flexible and give your best, you will be rewarded with good fees, recognition and lots of jobs. As long as you are motivated, have an interesting look and stamina, then register online with starboxx today! Just sign up and we’ll do the rest.