Models With Disabilities

Just a few years ago, models with physical, mental or psychological disabilities were a rarity. Today, many of them are among the stars of the industry and they model their disability with confidence. It is important for representation in the industry, to make people with disabilities feel welcome and to raise awareness for those without. Models with disabilities not only open up new worlds for themselves - but also for others.

Disabilities shown in film and TV

People with disabilities are often a major topic in film and television . Their fates are told sometimes cheerfully, sometimes dramatically, but always emotionally. How credible the portrayal is depends closely on the talent of the actors - and often results in an Oscar nomination or even an award. But although Tom Hanks, Russell Crowe, Dustin Hoffman and many others were great protagonists, they lacked one decisive criterion: authenticity. None of them actually had the disability they portrayed, but instead, adapted their behaviour and movements. In the cases where a disabled person has been cast in a role, they are often forgotten about. Tin drummer David Bennent was the exception to the rule and the identity of Rolf ‘Bobby’ Brederlow is usually closely linked to advertising for his film partners. Yet all these people are true heroes, because they achieve great things, despite or precisely because of their disability.

Working as a model with a handicap and disability

It is certainly bold to cast models with disabilities, especially in an industry where everything revolves around beauty and perfection. But when you can present a disability with confidence, it becomes something beautiful, and you can use this to inspire and influence people’s perceptions of disabilities. The modelling industry has also recognised this and is increasingly using people with disabilities in fashion shows or adverts. This isn’t just a clever marketing move from brands but also the hard work of any model who registers with an agency. Role models such as Madeline Stuart, Winnie Harlow and Mario Galla have all made exemplary careers as models despite their disabilities. They gained a career while also showing what it was like to work in the fashion industry as someone with a disability, especially regard the design or handling of clothing.

Models with disabilities in the industry

Designers choose the best suited models to promote their collections. Because of specific cuts and shapes of clothing, models with disabilities are often not the best people for the role. However, acting and modelling are always possible, especially when you are registered with a casting agency like starboxx. The chances of a successful placement are better than ever before. Nowadays, companies and brands value authenticity and having a close relationship with their clients. They have a deeper understanding of their talents’ needs and methods in order to form this relationship. They also have a great understanding of the current demand for diversity in the industry, not only for models with disabilities, but also plus-size models and best agers too.