Mature Models – Personalities With Life Experience, Character, And Charisma

Anyone who thinks there is an age limit for applying to a modelling agency is mistaken. Models in their prime are in demand like never before. The search for personalities with charisma and character is in full swing.

Mature models – The trend in the fashion and advertising industries

The fashion and marketing industries describe male and female models aged 35 and over as mature models. The term ‘mature model’ represents people "in their prime". The average age of the German population has been constantly increasing; in 2015, it was around 44 years. The over-40s and particularly the over-50s are considered a key consumer target group. They have both feet firmly on the ground. This charismatic trait is particularly appeals to the over-50s. They are regarded as the largest consumer group in our society and should feel represented in advertising by mature models. This is why the demand for mature and senior models has risen sharply in recent years.

Mature models – A multitude of roles await

Whether fashion catalogues, billboard advertising, or TV commercials - mature and senior models present all kinds of fashion collections and lifestyle products. The spectrum of industries is broad. Whether advertising cosmetic products, articles on nutrition, fitness, and health, or for PR campaigns, mature models are in demand for many different roles.

The mature model – a model in their prime

A perfect mature model embodies vitality, radiates a joie de vivre and exudes charm. The recipe for success is simple: life experience combined with values such as confidence, authenticity, and sympathy. This captivating mix ensures a notably positive aura. Interesting individuals whose faces tell stories, personalities that attract attention and arouse curiosity - such people can present specific products and services in an impressive way.

Experience in front of the camera is not necessary to get started

Working with a modelling agency does not require any previous experience in front of the camera. Career changers can also find their feet as mature models. The only requirement is that they have the necessary potential: suitability is determined by one’s appearance, attitude, charisma, and fitness. Stamina and a willingness to work professionally with the modelling agency are also important. Physical fitness means that the model is in healthy physical condition. Shoots can last several hours and are often strenuous.

In demand: Versatility and spontaneity

What’s interesting about working with a modelling agency is that you are always being cast in completely new and different roles. It is therefore important to remain versatile and flexible. The better you embody a role, the more successfully the product will sell. Those who are spontaneous and enjoy conveying their own personality are particularly well-received.

Commitment to a modelling agency does not require a perfect external appearance

The decisive factors for success as a model are photogenicity and a self-confident and charismatic demeanour for both men and women. A tidy appearance is a given. Healthy teeth, well-kept skin and hair, physical fitness, and vigour are all a part of this. Authenticity is a big plus. Wrinkles on the face, grey hair or a few kilos on the hips are not flaws. These features are a reflection of many people in our society. An individual’s experience and a positive aura are very important for charisma. Stylists will provide the appropriate styling during the shoot.

Starboxx – The modelling agency for mature models

As an experienced agency, we cast models "in their prime" in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland on a daily basis. If you would like to work as a mature model, simply get in touch with us. We look forward to hearing from you!