Seen, Reserved, Hired! Booking And Options For Models

Reserve first, then make a firm booking - this is the procedure in most cases. Because it makes sense for clients to keep various modelling options open at first. But what is an option? And how does the booking of models work?

What does an option mean for you as a model?

If a client is considering booking you, they can make a binding reservation for a shoot - often as one of several models. This reservation with the modelling agency is called a shortlist option. The client keeps several options open for a fixed option period before a model is firmly booked for an assignment. An option can therefore expire, e.g. at the latest three working days - i.e. excluding Saturday and Sunday - before the start of the job by 6 pm CET (Central European Time). German time also applies between the model agency, model and client in the case of foreign clients. An option also expires if the agency follows up and asks the client to make a firm booking without any result. The model is then free to be booked by other clients.

What is meant by the first and second option?

The first option is a first booking right. If you are free in the desired period and a customer has reserved you exclusively, you cannot accept any other orders in this option period. Bad luck for customers who would also like to have you! Only if the first customer decides against you as an optioned model, can the customer reserve you in second place. This ranking of options goes both ways: Both clients and optioned models can move up in the ranking, which is based on the number of bookings received. So if the customer lets your option expire during the option period, the model behind you will move up if the customer has reserved several models.

What is a direct booking?

If you are booked without casting or go-see , this is called direct booking. Because many customers have favourites! If the collaboration goes well, certain models are hired again and again for campaigns. Or a particular model catches the client's eye when looking at the sedcard : Yes, that's the one! So he or she contacts the agency and specifies their booking criteria such as booking duration, purpose of the booking and budget. The modelling agency can then make a suitable offer that is booked directly.

What is the idea behind the option principle?

Customers are often not yet sure what type and characteristics they are looking for: Young, old, fat, thin, pale and red-haired or people of colour? The modelling agency makes suggestions to clients who only have a vague idea. The modelling option is a tried and tested way of introducing customers to selected models during the option period who are
- are interested in a specific assignment
- are particularly suitable for it
- have capacities in the desired time window
- are in agreement with the client's conditions
This allows the customer to reserve a pre-selection. If they decide in your favour, the option becomes a firm booking - either immediately or after casting or go-see.

How binding is an option for you as a model?

If you agree to your option within a certain time frame, this is contractually binding for the modelling agency. Models also have a certain amount of leeway to influence the conditions of an option. If, for example, your first option expires, the client who reserved you afterwards moves up to first place. Nevertheless, you can also reject requests - or not assign an option at all. The terms and conditions of the modelling agency, as well as your personal modelling contract , regulate how model options are handled between the model, agency and client.

What happens if clients cancel a firm booking?

Customers must declare the cancellation of firm bookings in writing to the model agency. This is an industry-typical speciality: Not only the date but also the time of the cancellation is usually noted. An important reason is also required for the cancellation of a fixed model booking - for example, if the customer cannot reasonably be expected to carry out the shoot or if he or she is not responsible for the cancellation. Cancellations must be made at least three working days before the appointment. If more than three working and travel days are booked, the customer must also cancel this many days in advance. Are you only booked for one day or a few hours? Then your booking may be cancelled a maximum of 24 hours in advance. Are you unable to travel yourself? Then your agency will endeavour to find a suitable replacement for you - usually from its own pool of models.

What is a day booking?

If you are booked for a day, this means eight hours of work (four hours for half-day bookings), usually plus a one-hour lunch break. Your working time begins when you arrive at the shooting location on time for call time - and not just after your make-up and hair are in place. Styling and make-up time are working time, as is travelling to and from the hotel and location. Overtime ? Paid pro rata on the basis of the daily fee.

What is a weather booking?

Umbrella at the ready? Let's go: Some shoots require certain weather conditions. If a client requests such a weather-related booking, this is normally only possible at the model's location. The client can only send you into a snowstorm if this has been expressly agreed! Otherwise you can assume a fair weather booking. However, rainmakers or sun magicians on call have not yet been invented: Often the desired weather conditions are missing because the sky is unfortunately cloudless (or vice versa). Or it is not clear how the weather will develop on the date. Customers can cancel bookings before the job starts. The customer calls you to cancel? That's not enough - he or she must inform your agency.

What if a client wants to book you directly?

Every booking goes through the modelling agency. No client may simply ignore this and bypass the agency to book a model directly. As a service provider, the agency represents you and your interests. This also applies to subsequent bookings, i.e. as long as the modelling agency represents you. If you are firmly booked, this is binding for the client, the agency and you as a model.

Book what you like! Utilise options

Diversity is the trend - As a modelling agency, starboxx offers photographers, designers and advertising agencies many years of experience and numerous (inter)national contacts. With over 100,000 people and models in Germany, Switzerland and Austria, we offer the largest selection of models. Whether it's a photo shoot, catwalk or fashion showroom! View options now - and book suitable models!