Facial Expressions, Gestures & Posing: Important Components Of Body Language

Gestures, facial expressions and posing are the elementary components of body language , the effect of which is often underestimated. Models and actors in particular should be aware of the powerful effect of gestures, facial expressions and poses. After all, anyone who believes that dialogue is only about words is wrong. Non-verbal communication is often clearer and comes across more strongly to the other person than verbal communication.

Interpreting facial expressions correctly and using them purposefully

Facial expressions refer to all changes and visible movements in a person's face. As the face plays a central role in the perception of others, facial expressions are also of great importance. Typical facial expressions include smiling, frowning and rolling the eyes. Mimic signals usually express wishes, thoughts, feelings and emotions - both positive and negative. Actors, presenters and other representatives of the performing professions are often masters at interpreting and sending out mimic signals. Just like gestures, facial expressions can also be learnt - provided you have the necessary acting talent .

Your emotional state has a major influence on your gestures

Gestures are also part of body language. It includes all body movements in the course of a conversation. Human gestures are often an expression of a certain emotional state. For example, many people cross their arms when they feel insecure or on the defensive. Other examples include nervously pacing up and down in a waiting room, shrugging their shoulders when they feel unconfident or nodding their head as a gesture of approval. Gestures must be distinguished from gesticulation.

Gesticulation in interaction with linguistic utterances

Unlike gestures, gesticulation does not contain any learnt, trained parts - as you can observe in actors, singers , models and dancers , for example. Rather, gesticulation is a spontaneous, unconscious form of body language. One example would be the hands clasped over the head of a person who has just experienced a shock. Gesticulation signals are typically accompanied by verbal utterances - be they short exclamations or whole sentences. Gesticulation also includes sign language, which follows strict rules and is used by people without hearing.

Do certain poses increase attractiveness?

Poses are as much a part of body language as words are of a sentence. Certain poses can significantly increase the chances of being perceived positively by the other person. For example, science has discovered that the chances of success in finding a partner increase with a straight back and a full arm position - spread or outstretched. This is referred to as "expansive posing" - which is ultimately nothing more than an expression of self-confidence, openness to the world and positive energy.

Posing like a professional: Apply now at starboxx

Are you an expert in facial expressions, gestures & poses? Apply now at starboxx and register with one of the largest casting agencies in the German-speaking world.