What Is A Lookalike?

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in the body of a celebrity for a day? - Lookalikes can live this dream and get paid at the same time! They are stand-ins for actors , models or other celebrities, most importantly sharing a physical resemblance. If possible, you shouldn't be able to tell that they aren't the real star. However, the level of resemblance depends on the specific situation. For stunt doubles in films, for example, a similar figure or body type is usually sufficient. But when it comes to public appearances by politicians, the lookalike should look as similar as possible.

So when is a lookalike actually needed? (It's more often than you might think!)

Basically, lookalikes step in for all occasions for which the actual star isn't available - this is actually more often than most people think. They are called in for many reasons like:
- If the original star doesn't want to do something. Some actors, for example, don't want to be filmed naked. So they are instead replaced by a body double.
- If the original star isn't available so the lookalike then stands in as a "copy".
- If the original celebrity is being made fun of- in satire programmes, they use doubles for politicians.
- When a certain scene/action is too dangerous for the original actor or model. That's why a stunt double is used.
- If entertainers are needed for events. Instead of trying to look exactly like the original celebrity, lookalikes instead “impersonate” them.

How much do lookalikes get paid?

Stunt-Double: "I was set on fire for 1500 euros"

How much a body double earns usually depends on how many other "clones" there are of their kind. The lower the number of "copies", the more money the person receives. The range per job varies between three and four-figure sums. Stunt doubles receive a little more, as they have to have special training and put themselves in danger. Or, to put it in the words of stunt double Joe Tödtling: "I was set on fire for 1500 euros a day."

Desperate searches for a Prime Minister lookalike

Chancellor Olaf Scholz, of all people, is apparently very difficult to replicate. Experts reckon that booking a Scholz lookalike (if one exists!) for an event would cost a lot. Agencies have been desperately searching for suitable people for years, but with little success. So if you look like Scholz, you can anticipate attractive earnings and are welcome to register with starboxx.

What qualifications does a lookalike need?

Looks alone are not always enough.

Yes, a lookalike must look like the original when wearing make-up and the right costume. But looks aren't everything: Other qualifications obviously depend on the specific job role. If a stand-in is used for entertainment purposes, they should have a certain talent - and preferably no stage fright. If it is speaking in place of the original star, the voice should at least sound similar.

Adapting yourself to different roles

It is also important to understand the movements and mannerisms of the original actor/model. Body doubles should walk similarly to them and also copy their gestures and facial expressions. However, this can be learnt. You need to be willing to change your own movements and mannerisms in order to be successful as a "copy".

Are you asking yourself how you can become a lookalike?

You can register as a lookalike at starboxx! When registering online, you should upload photos that show the similarity. Tell us your special skills, qualifications and experience too!

Are you convinced that you can be a good lookalike? We are looking forward to reading your application!