Hair Modelling - An Important Job In A Modelling Agency

Hair modelling is a fascinating profession within the fashion and beauty industry that brings with it a multitude of challenges. As a hair model, you act as a living canvas for hairdressers, stylists and hair cosmetics brands so that they can present their products and techniques as authentically as possible. There is a wide variety of assignments, from photo shoots and catwalk shows for advertising campaigns to trade fairs and training programmes.

Stylist and hair model - a symbiosis

Although hair models do not necessarily have to conform to the strict body measurements required for traditional modelling jobs, a certain aesthetic appeal is often sought. The facial features, hair structure and the overall appearance should match the brand or concept for which the hair model has been booked as closely as possible. One of the essential tasks of a hair model is the willingness to try out different styling and treatment techniques on the hair. This can include regular colouring, cutting, hair styling and, last but not least, wearing wigs or extensions. A good hair care routine is always an advantage to ensure that the hair remains healthy and resilient despite the frequent treatments.

How the stylist and the hair model work together

Hair models work closely with stylists and hairdressers to achieve the look desired by the client. This usually requires very close communication and collaboration between stylist and model to ensure that the final result meets the client's requirements and expectations. In addition, hair models need to be extremely flexible. This means that they are prepared to adapt to changing requirements quickly, sometimes even without asking. Be it unexpected changes in the styling concept or when dealing with different hair types and textures. Overall, hair modelling is a varied and exciting profession that requires creativity, cooperation and adaptability. Hair models play an important role in presenting the latest hairstyles and hair trends while supporting the work of stylists and hairdressers.

Becoming a model - earn money and showing a lot of commitment

The job as a hair model can be extremely strenuous and demanding. However, depending on which modelling agency you work with, this special job can be a lot of fun. No two days are the same. And the great thing is that, in theory, people of any age can model in this category. Do you have any questions about a career as a hair model? Then get in touch with us at any time.