Content Creator - How Models Can Earn Extra Money!

The job title content creator comes from the digital industry. However, it does not refer to the design of print media, but internet media. It therefore refers to social media and the various virtual platforms. Influencers are the best-known form of content creator.

This is why this career area is interesting for models

Social media thrives on images and video posts. A model is characterised by the fact that they are not camera-shy and cut a good figure in photos. If you have taken on modelling jobs in the past and enjoyed them, there is a good chance that you will personally enjoy working as a content creator. There are two options available to you. You can open an account on social media yourself or do work for others.

Become active on a virtual platform yourself

Social media offers a wide variety of platforms for content creation. You should look for a platform with the right media and a topic with a clearly defined target group for your basis. Do you want to shoot longer videos? Then YouTube is a good choice. Are you into shorter reels and pretty pictures? In that case, Instagram and TikTok might be more interesting. If you want to go live, you can do so on Twitch. If you build the basis for your work as an influencer yourself, this has one advantage: you have a completely free hand when it comes to choosing topics and media design. On the other hand, this approach has a decisive disadvantage: as entertaining as the videos may seem, building your reach is hard work and often takes years.

Create content for third parties as a model

If you offer to create content for companies, associations and other interested parties, success usually comes more quickly. If you have previous experience as a model, this is an advantage for you. Typically, content creators are looking for people who appear natural in front of the camera and make a strong impression. When it comes to video production and sound recording, a beautiful voice is another advantage. If you are unsure about this, you can take part in voice training seminars. Do you want to appear in pictures and not in videos? That's not a problem. We are looking for numerous models who can be used to create stock photography for social media, for example.

How you can apply now

Successful work as a content creator does not automatically make you an influencer. But it will definitely make you better known. In this way, it increases your chances of being hired for additional modelling jobs. Are you interested in combining both areas and want to be hired as a model and content creator? Apply now for an uncomplicated job on starboxx.