Children's Casting: A Big Performance For Little Personalities!

Being on set, up close and personal when commercials , films and shows are being shot is exciting! Taking part is fun, but it's still work. As a curious child actor or model, what should your parents know about child casting?

Kids wanted! For media projects and more.

Parents with the right ambitions and intentions can register their child for child casting from the age of just a few weeks so that their baby can smile into the camera for film, TV or advertising. Child actors - whether in leading roles or as extras - are the secret stars of TV shows. Casting and modelling agencies across Germany place children and entire families in media projects such as quiz and game shows , cookery programmes or social media brand communication. Being talented in music, sport or acting increases the chances of being chosen for a sought-after role. Do you want to be a young actor and are curious about how it works? Then you should talk about it with your parents - they have to give you the go-ahead.

Off to the stage! How you can become an actor as a child

Great stage sets, wonderful costumes, music, dance - musicals are simply mesmerising! Perhaps you too dream of a role in The Lion King or Tarzan. However, as a child who wants to become an actor, you usually have to successfully pass several casting rounds before a musical cast is finalised. Castings for theatre and stage often last several weeks - they can be a little more playful, but still under the strict working conditions of a theatre production. Some casting agencies also like to invite children to general (video) castings - for example, to find more child actors and child models for their own agency pool. Which casting is right for you? That depends on your age, your appearance and what you are particularly good at. For example, playing the drums, juggling or skateboarding. And sometimes it also depends on where you live and whether your dream casting is nearby.

How does child casting work?

First, you and your parents send photos or a video application to the modelling or casting agency for children. Then a casting team takes a look at everything. If you fit the project, the agency will invite you to the casting. The invitation will also tell you what you need to know about your casting day, how to prepare for it and what outfit you should bring. Now it gets exciting: the date is yours alone, without other children! Unless it is an open casting . The agency will clarify all questions about the process with you and your parents. Then the sedcard shoot begins. Whats is that? Well, a sedcard contains the most important information about you, your appearance, age, your talents plus several photos - just like an adult model. Everything is there so that you can be booked as soon as children are wanted for advertising or a cinema film needs children.

To child casting, yes or no? What parents should consider

Dear mums and dads: Think first, then go to the casting. Ask yourself beforehand, for example:

- Can my child dance, sing, act?
- Does my child memorise lines easily?
- Could school come up short?
- How does my child present themselves compared to other competitors?
- How dejected is my child when he or she looks down the tube after the audition?
- Does my child even want a job in front of the camera?

How attentive and focussed your child is is just as important as whether they follow instructions and behave calmly backstage . Stage fright is part of it, but distractibility is not: good child actors can wait patiently - and then give their all on cue. As parents, you are present at the casting and always keep an eye on your child. After all, crew members have more important things to do than play babysitter. Sets are busy places!

As parents, how do you recognise a good kids agency?

There are also black sheep in children's casting. Find out all you can about a company - you need to take your time! Not everything that calls itself a casting agency for children is reputable. Good money can be made with parental ambitions: be wary of websites demanding you pay a whopping two or even three-figure sum in advance - for a few photos and inclusion in an online database, as this is likely a scam. Fortunately, there are reputable agencies that look for children via film or fashion casting and have many successful kids on their books as well as adults. Hands off if you have to put money on the table for a casting! After all, being a child model is serious - legal! - child labour. A service with which clients earn money - and for which your child is paid..

What else characterises a good kids agency?

Children are not little adults. Casting teams treat them in a child-friendly way and show sensitivity so that children and young people feel comfortable on set. This is the basic prerequisite for a production to come across authentically and win over customers. Good casting, whether advertising or film casting for children, takes the time to get to know each child personally. In this way, young actors gain confidence, become relaxed, open and can develop their full potential.

Have you grown up! Current castings, current dates

Do you only update photos after the single milk tooth has become a whole set of permanent teeth? This is another way of recognising (un)professionalism. Children grow in the blink of an eye. Shape, appearance, hair and facial form change. Photos, videos and data must always be up to date. Looking for children for adverts? A casting director needs brand-new photos! Photos are often taken directly during child castings. Well, you can also make it easy for yourself: Some children's agencies are simply too convenient to choose child models individually for each project - and hand clients ready-made sedcards and portfolios. This may result in acceptable solutions, but not a selection with a 100 per cent ‘wow’ effect. In short, real success is planned differently.

What rules apply to child actors?

In Germany, children between the ages of three and five may be in front of the camera for a maximum of 40 hours a year and two hours a day, and three hours from the age of six. The time spent on set, for example when casting for cinema films for children, is limited to six hours. In addition, your child needs a work permit in accordance with the protection of minors , depending on the federal state for child actors up to the 9th or 10th grade or up to the age of 15 or 16. The production applies for this at the responsible authority, you as parents must sign it. It's best to always have a copy in your handbag.

Looking for children for advertising? Rules of behaviour

The German Advertising Council has formulated advertising behaviour rules for dealing with children. For example, everything that children say must be in keeping with their natural expressions. Huh? This means, for example, that no normal eight-year-old is in a position to credibly sell consumers the advantages of a certain type of heating energy, etc. Children stroking dogs while Bello and Hasso savour a brand of food? Also forbidden, because that would show children in dangerous situations - because eating dogs tend to bite. But what about: Why don't you try it too! Go and get it! Make a wish for Christmas! Children who directly encourage consumption are also a no-go.

Current castings: What roles are available?

Is there a suitable project? Then your kids agency or fashion agency will suggest you and send you all the information about the job. What exactly is in it for you at a children's casting? One advert is aimed at you if you enjoy acting and singing, another is looking for players for a new game show. If children are wanted for commercials or for a film, they are hoping for very specific types, hair colours and/or body sizes: They are looking for 16-year-old, sporty daredevils or boys from 12 to 18 with dress size 174 for a photo shoot. You might also be the best choice as a blonde, long-haired skateboarder - but only if you come from California. A hairdressing salon is looking for Bavarian-speaking primary school girls with long brown hair or thirteen-year-old teenagers from the south of France as mystery shoppers. It's not uncommon for productions to look for children who look like certain actors.

Wanted, cast, found! starboxx child actors

Looking for suitable kids for a new project? Whether film, advertising, fashion or photography , starboxx offers a complete package for casting and placing children. All over Germany - and the right face for everyone from toddlers to teenagers. Fancy getting a taste of the theatre and being in the spotlight? Apply to starboxx now! We are always looking for children and teenagers for current castings, cinema films, television or modelling jobs in advertising. But first ask mum and dad, then register for free - and upload photos together. Have fun!