Catwalk Training - More Ease And Presence On The Catwalk

The general consensus is that genius lies in making heavy things look effortless. Translated into the world of modelling, this means that as a model you have to painstakingly train to achieve a catwalk that gives the impression of apparent lightness, flowing movements and proud posture before you can actually shine - even if you naturally have good posture and a talent for movement. Professional catwalk training will teach you how to move on the catwalk to wow the audience.

Versatile training for the catwalk, shoots and castings

Although the term "catwalk training" suggests that it is exclusively designed for the catwalk, in a catwalk school you will learn far more than just the correct posture for the catwalk. The content taught during training will also help you with other modelling assignments. This is because what you have learnt in training is also very useful for photo shoots - where you usually remain motionless in one pose - or for a casting . The focus is on the question: How do I manage to combine an upright posture with composure and a strong presence? You will also learn how to present yourself as authentically as possible, regardless of the individual requirements of each modelling job.

Why is walking technique so important as a model?

Learning the right walking technique is a key part of catwalk training. Without a variable, seemingly effortlessly flowing walking technique, you won't be able to make a convincing impression as a model. Charisma, presence and, last but not least, professionalism - in other words, what every client automatically expects from you - stand or fall with the right walking technique. If you walk incorrectly, are insecure and can't manage a skilful transition between poses, you will automatically come across as clumsy.

What do I learn in a catwalk school?

In addition to an upright posture, in catwalk school you will learn how to move professionally and effortlessly in high heels, which tend to be uncomfortable. You will also learn how to combine movements and poses in various exercises. Last but not least, you will learn about the different walking styles: Haute couture, avant-garde, prêt-à-porter and casting. Each of these styles is associated with a particular way of walking. Exercises to improve flexibility and body awareness round off the training.

Catwalk training for beginners: Five tips

1. specifically train your foot, calf and leg muscles, as these are particularly challenged on the catwalk.
2. slowly get to grips with walking in high heels by wearing shoes with lower heels first.
3. practise standing securely in high heels at home in front of the mirror - preferably for several minutes in one place.
4. consciously concentrate on your posture when walking in everyday life.
5. make sure you look straight ahead without appearing too rigid.

Apply as a model on starboxx now - the first step towards the catwalk

Have you already completed catwalk training and now want to take off as a model with a flawless, upright posture? Apply on Starboxx and show everyone what you can do.