Animal Stars - Cat And Dog Models Wanted

Does your furry friend like to be the centre of attention, listen to your every word and have that certain something? That's great, because dog models are in demand like never before. Find out what a model agency for four-legged friends is all about, how casting and photo shoots with animals works, what you can earn with animal modelling jobs and what your furry friend needs to bring to the table to become an animal model.

What is an animal modelling agency?

Models are not only available for people, but also for animals. This is no wonder, as the sales market for pet food, clothing, accessories, pet-friendly holidays and many other things is growing every year. But animal models are also becoming increasingly popular in the media. It doesn't always have to be film animals such as chimpanzees or dolphins. The demand for pets such as dogs and cats for print photo shoots, advertising shoots or even film and television productions is much greater. Anyone who believes that their own four-legged friend would make the ideal film star can introduce themselves to an animal modelling agency. Many professional modelling agencies also have a department specifically for animal castings . If a cat or dog model is convincing, it is added to the file and can be booked for various modelling assignments such as dog commercials . The animal modelling agency takes over the handling and placement of the modelling jobs.

This is how the dog modelling casting works

First of all, you contact the pet modelling agency for pets. There you make an appointment for a test shoot . When the big day arrives, you bring your four-legged friend with you, well-rested, full and happy. Before the dog or cat model sets off, there will be a discussion with you as the owner. This is about the general procedure for the assignments, certain conditions for film animals and, of course, the potential earnings for dog adverts etc. A good cat or dog modelling agency will be happy to provide you with all the contractual details. Please note: A reputable dog modelling agency will never offer you a magazine subscription or similar as a condition for shooting with animals. Once the framework details have been clarified, card index pictures of your furry friend will be taken to present them in the best light for potential clients. The animal modelling agency collects cats and dogs in its card index, from which potential clients can select suitable four-legged friends as film animals and furry photo models.

This is how the dog modelling casting works

First of all, you contact the pet modelling agency for cats or dogs. There you make an appointment for the test shoot. When the big day arrives, you bring your four-legged friend with you, well-rested, full and happy. Before the dog or cat model sets off, there will be a discussion with you as the owner. This is about the general procedure for the assignments, certain conditions for film animals and, of course, the potential earnings for dog adverts etc. A good cat or dog modelling agency will be happy to provide you with all the contractual details. Please note: A reputable dog modelling agency will never offer you a magazine subscription or similar as a condition for shooting with animals. Once the framework details have been clarified, card index pictures of your furry friend will be taken to present them in the best light for potential clients. The animal modelling agency collects cats and dogs in its card index, from which potential clients can select suitable four-legged friends as film animals and furry photo models.

What you can earn with your furry friend

The nice thing about a serious cat or dog model casting is that you will always get some nice shots of your furry friend. Whether and how much you can earn with your animal star depends entirely on the scope of the project and the client. If your animal is selected for a production, the potential earnings are of course many times higher than for a single advertising photo. With good campaigns, however, the earning potential is definitely in the region of several hundred euros.

Can I register my pet model with starboxx?

The starboxx card index only contains people and no animals. However, we sometimes look for models or actors with their own animals for productions. It therefore makes sense to enter your own pets or exotic animals under Other.