Test Shoots

Starting out as a model begins with a test shoot. Professional photos are taken so the model has photos to include in their portfolio to use to book jobs. The photographer can then use the pictures for self promotion too.. The test shoot can be seen as a kind of work sample that future clients can use to assess the model's looks and suitability.

The importance of a test shoot

Models can build a portfolio for future clients using a variety of poses and styling to highlight their range and ability to change. Using different costumes and makeup show that the model is versatile and gives them more opportunity for a wide range of jobs.

The 2 different types of test shoots

- In some cases, the model pays the photographer for their services. In these so-called paid shoots, the photographer has no rights to the images without the model's express consent.
- The second option is an unpaid test shoot. The model and photographer will enter into a TFP (Time For Picture) agreement. Instead of any money/payments, there are other benefits involved. The model gets the photos for their own use, but the photographer can also use the photos for advertisement or for their own portfolio.

Clarifying before the shoot

Before the test shoot, it is important to agree some basic conditions with the photographer:
- Is the shoot free of charge, or is it a paid test shoot?
- Where will the shoot take place?

Who is responsible for the fashion and styling?

The model often brings the outfits, but the photographer also makes suggestions for appropriate variations.

Booking a test shoot

If you are interested in a test shoot, you can contact freelance photographers or a modelling agency . Agencies can usually make recommendations. If you are looking for a photographer yourself, make sure they are professional and reputable- shoots like this will usually be free of charge, unless the model wants to pay. A good sign that a photographer is reputable is that the rights to the images are clearly set and agreed.

Other things to know

Make sure you allow enough time to have a relaxed shoot without time pressure. Take the time to get to know the photographer you’re working with too; it is so important to understand what each of you wants and your artistic style before jumping into a shoot. During the test shoot, the model should never allow herself to be pressurised into styling and poses that do not suit her and in which she does not feel comfortable.

Is a Go See the same as a test shoot?

A Go See is an interview between the model, agency and/or potential clients. The agency and/or clients assess how the model performs and decide whether the model will be booked or at least whether she should be included in the file. In most cases, a Go See only takes a few minutes. However, if an additional test shoot is required, the appointment may take longer. The model should bring their model book with photos from previous shoots to the Go See in order to show a range of different styles and poses.

Test shoots and Go Sees don’t get you a job!

The test shoot is only there to produce photos for your own portfolio. After a go-see and a test shoot, it is possible to be booked but it is never guaranteed. It can take a while to be booked after a shoot. While shooting is fun and exciting, it is also hard work. Make sure you show up on time, prepared and ready to shoot.