Non-binary Models
There are many people who do not identify with a single gender. They don’t want to define themselves as female or male, therefore they instead identify as non-binary.
What does non-binary mean?
The term binary means ‘two-part’. In a binary gender system, only two genders (man and woman) are recognised. All people can supposedly be catergorised in these two categories. However, if you remove the binary system that is out-dated and conservative, you make space for people who do not perceive themselves as clearly male or female. They can instead identify as ‘non-binary’.
Non-binary people are increasingly accepted and recognised in our society
Much of our society is still centred on the traditional two-gender system. However, the idea that male and female are the only genders is increasingly being replaced by an openness to different identities.
What do we mean by the term ‘non-binary’?
‘Non-binary’ is a collective term and encompasses many different gender identities. People who are non-binary feel neither clearly female nor male. Their gender identity can have elements of femininity or masculinity or it can lie somewhere outside of these categories. There are many variations of gender identity which also all fall under the term ‘non-binary’ e.g. bi-gender, pan-gander and a-gender.
How does diversity play a role in the fashion industry?
Clothing and fashion play a major role in identity. What you wear defines who you are. Nowadays, more and more brands are creating unisex collections or ‘degendered’ clothing. Although society is becoming more modernised, there are still unspoken opinions about the gender of different clothing and there are conservative fashion campaigns that promote these gender expectations. However the rigid view of gender boundaries is slowly fading away and it is slowly becoming easier for non-binary people to express themselves without judgement.
Non-binary models in the fashion industry
The fashion world has long been interested in exploring the androgynous look and combining masculine and feminine characteristics in design. Today, a new set of gender identities is increasingly part of mainstream society. Many non-binary models are conquering the fashion world. Fashion designers are increasingly hiring non-binary models. Non-binary models are a great way to present and display androgynous fashion and also combine feminine and masculine elements into one look.