The Lead Role

The lead is THE main character of a film, series or play. The plot is entirely tailored to your role, so you must act as a convincing and charismatic hero. To do this, industry experience is essential- if you want to be the hero, you’ve got to work your way up.

Both good and evil

Lead roles are not necessarily always the ‘good guy’. They can also play an ambivalent or politically controversial character, or even the villain like a bank robber or war criminal. While they are usually very charismatic and smooth, they aren’t always likeable; their strength develops throughout the story, especially in conflict with others. This conflict is what pushes the plot forward and develops the lead role’s character development. It maintains a good pace and engages an audiences, regardless of whether or not the main character is a ‘goodie’ or a ‘baddie’

Textbook heroism

To successfully portray their character, actors must connect with their role and explore their inner workings. Some techniques that actors try to do this are often dangerous, especially when they put themselves in extreme physical or psychological situations to explore the role. It is therefore important that actors understand the boundary between reality and fiction and can successfully switch between them. They learn how to do this at drama/theatre school or through intensive courses. The more complex the main character is, the more this differentiation is required- you must be very careful as to not lose your own personality for a role.

Making your big break

The intensity of acting in a leading role is exactly why talent agencies want well-trained and talented actors. With the right references, anything can happen! Apply to starboxx to start your journey to becoming a leading man or woman!

There are also jobs available for amateurs and young professionals who want to put their skills to the test! Quiz, game and reality shows as well as home and DIY programmes or documentaries and dailysoaps also depend on convincing protagonists and provide an excellent springboard into the world of acting. If you are interested in working on such a production , starboxx is the right place for you! With a bit of luck, we will soon be able to support you in your first role on television .