Dating Show

Dating shows are TV programmes in which candidates meet potential partners in order to find a romantic relationship. TV dating shows in Germany are shows that take place in the form of a game. Clear rules apply. The participants are selected primarily on the basis of their entertainment value. An important feature of dating gameshows or couple shows is that the participants have very little prior knowledge of each other. They often only meet directly in the game and during the recording. Sometimes they know at least one photo of their dating partner in advance. Depending on the dating series, the candidates are either already selected to suit each other or they are brought together on the basis of very different characters. Many different dating shows are broadcast on television . A variety of creative formats and rules are used. The main aim is to entertain viewers. The aim is to create thrilling suspense. The format has increasingly developed into a reality show and a relationship show. It's not just about finding a partner quickly, the focus is often on the process of finding a partner.

Single men and women aged 18 and over can apply for a singles show or a dating show on TV

All singles aged 18 and over can take part in a dating show. The organisers are always on the lookout for single men and women who are open-minded, unattached and attractive. Anyone interested in taking part in a dating show can apply online any time. The assignment is often made via a casting agency . Interested candidates can apply there and have their photo added to the file. TV producers contact agencies, among others, when they are looking for suitable dating show participants.

The ideal candidates: interested and open-minded

We are looking for participants of all ages. The basic requirement: you should be curious and enjoy getting to know and socialising with other people. Anyone who is currently single and interested in exciting and thrilling experiences, who wants to fall in love again or simply wants to get to know likeable men and women in a special way can apply to be a dating show candidate at any time.

Dating shows usually take place in interesting locations

TV recordings for dating shows often take place in unusual locations , for example on an island, in a villa or castle, abroad and in an exotic or Mediterranean atmosphere. Special conditions can also apply, for example, dating can take place exclusively in the dark without lighting. The producers are constantly inventing new creative settings with special entertainment value, such as flirting via a car dating show, making first contact with all the senses or exclusive restaurant visits with an exquisite dinner. The regional origin or professional background of the candidates is irrelevant. We are looking for authentic personalities who are open to new encounters.

Time required for an engagement and expense allowance

The time required for filming is generally one day. An expense allowance is paid, which varies from broadcaster to broadcaster and is also based on the candidate's total expenditure. Travelling expenses are usually covered in full. Are you interested in taking part in a dating show or a dating series on TV? You can apply to starboxx as a candidate at any time. We look forward to hearing from you!