The Dad Bod - Increasingly Relevant In The Fashion World

The term ‘dad bod’ is frequently heard in the media. In a way, it refers to gentlemen who epitomise the type of cool dad. In other words, a real bloke who puts less emphasis on his outward appearance or a top muscular physique, but for whom other things are more important. For example, his family, his friends or simply being good at his job. This is exactly the type of person that modelling agencies are looking for. On the one hand, dad bods can be plus-size models , but on the other hand, dressmen are always being sought for the male model category. The ‘dad bod’ is generally a term that has become increasingly important in pop culture and especially in the advertising industry in recent years. In the original sense, this term describes the physique of men or their BMI - i.e. men with a somewhat larger body size. Accordingly, these are men of different ages who are not necessarily slim, lean and muscular, but who are also not overweight or unkempt. Instead, the Dad Bod conveys the image of an average, down-to-earth man with a slightly soft or untrained body.

It's the inner beauty that counts - not the BMI

In the modelling world, the dad bod has gained a certain fascination and relevance, mainly due to its authenticity and ability to represent a wider range of body sizes and shapes. While traditional modelling standards up until a few years ago were mostly extremely slim or muscular, plus-size male models offer a more realistic and accessible representation of the face and body. In this way, companies can appeal to a greater variety of people and create a sense of better identification on the part of the target groups.

The ‘real’ male model - striking and authentic

Another aspect of the Dad Bod in today's modelling world is its symbolic meaning and not least its cultural relevance. The term certainly has a certain charm and an aura of normality that sets it apart from the often over-perfected and unrealistic standards of the fashion industry. This makes it a symbol of acceptance and self-love, challenging the notion that beauty and attractiveness are only associated with a certain body type. In the advertising and marketing industry, the Dad Bod is often used specifically to appeal to a certain target group or to convey a certain message. It is often associated with terms such as ‘down-to-earth’, ‘authentic’ and ‘familiar’ and can serve as a counterpoint to the often unrealistic and idealised images of beauty that are disseminated in advertising and the media. In fact, today's society continues to focus on the ‘flawless-looking, strong, masculine, striking type’ when it comes to defining an ideal of beauty. However, this type has long since lost its significance. Overall, the Dad Bod has an interesting and multi-layered meaning in the modelling world that goes far beyond its purely aesthetic value. Whether plus-size models or dressmen - a male model who is able to present themselves authentically is much better received by clients and target groups.