Slow Fashion - The Decelerated Promise Of Quality

Clothing says a lot about the personality and attitude to life of its wearer. The fact that it can also reflect values and environmental awareness is demonstrated by so-called slow fashion - a trend that more and more designers and producers are joining.

What exactly is slow fashion?

The term refers on the one hand to the clothing itself and on the other to the way it is handled. Slow fashion is high quality textiles that last longer and can be worn more often than products from the fast fashion industry. In addition, slow fashion takes numerous aspects of environmental protection and social life into account. The clothing is produced under fair working conditions at fair wages; its raw materials come from sustainable cultivation and are processed locally or transported as ecologically as possible.

What is the biggest difference to fast fashion?

In addition to fairness and sustainability, longevity is the most important factor. This is why slow fashion products often have a neutral to timeless design - which also makes them easy to combine. In contrast to garments from fast fashion lines, the fashion designers ' designs remain current for several years. This helps to avoid new seasonal purchases, reduces waste and thus contributes to environmental protection.

How can I tell if clothing fulfils slow fashion criteria?

While haute couture labels "inherently" have a certain standard of quality, smaller brands first have to prove that they are suitable for slow fashion. At a cursory glance, it is difficult to distinguish sustainably and fairly produced clothing from fast fashion products. However, the feel or heaviness of a fabric, the stitching and the design often speak for themselves. You can also use the labels of trustworthy organisations as a guide - such as the "Fair Wear Foundation" logo or the GOTS seal.

How can I support the slow fashion movement?

As a catwalk model , you have virtually no influence on what clothes are presented at a fashion show . But away from the catwalk , you can do a lot to help establish slow fashion - because the movement is not just about producing clothes, but also about appreciating them. Taking good care of existing items and mending them when necessary instead of throwing them away straight away is the antithesis of the fast fashion mentality. Second-hand shopping, resales and swaps also support the idea of slowing down fashion consumption.

Financial benefits too

A wonderful side effect of this approach is the economic benefit: When buying second-hand, you can pick up real bargains and acquire previously high-priced haute couture for little money.