Explanatory Videos- How To Explain Simply And Efficiently

In an increasingly more difficult world, people need simple explanations. This is what an explanatory does- but what goes on behind the scenes ? What’s the difference between a real film and an explanatory video? What do you need to make a good explanatory film? Find out below!

What is an explanatory video?

Explanatory videos are short films that explain how something works in a simple way. They will explain complex topics in a simple, shortened way- videos are normally 1-3 minutes long in order to keep the audience engaged. Typically, short films don’t cover topics in detail, but instead address the general idea and main points and offer a solution to the problem. They can cover any topic in any style- this is individual to each video. They can be animated videos with drawings/cartoons or live-action films with a real life presenter . More recently, productions have been doing a mix of both- this is called a hybrid production. They mix digital animation with explanations by a presenter.

How does an explanatory video work?

Unlike a tutorial or how-to video, explanatory videos aren’t emotionless, detailed descriptions of a topic. They instead follow a fixed dramaturgical sequence, telling a story as it goes. The language they use is also always simple and relates back to a typical viewer’s everyday life. Normally, each video follows a five-step plan:
1. Presenting a problem: At the beginning of the video, the problem is described in a typical everyday situation of the target audience. They explain the difficulties and the failure of previous solutions.
2. Presenting a solution: during the second step, they suggest a solution to the problem. The solution is usually reduced to the most essential key points, often even condensed into a single sentence.
3. Explaining: Here, the way the solution works is explained- both live-action and animated versions of a video use characters that the target audience can relate to.
4. Summarising: Before the video ends, it links back to the problem once again. This is a way to clarify exactly how the solution works.
5. Calling for action: At the end of each explanatory video, the presenter will reference a product or a website where viewers can get more information.

What are explanatory videos used for?

Because it is a concise and easy way to share information, there is now a higher demand for explanatory videos. They can use these videos to market their products too. E-learning purses and instruction videos are also now being filmed in the style of explanatory videos.

How do you produce an explanatory video?

There are multiple stages in producing any explanatory video, starting with deciding on the content and basic video design- do you want it to be animated or live-action? Creating an explainer video is a multi-stage process. Once you’ve figured out a storyboard and voiceover, you need a presenter or narrator to introduce your topic. Then you have to edit it all together with music and graphics to create the finished product.